The 8-Step Path to Self-Realization and God-Realization

8 Stages of Spiritual awakening

Spirituality is a profound process of Self-Realization that transcends human experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of life’s purpose, values, compassion and personal growth. Spiritual Awakening is an invaluable gift graced upon those who truly seek it, who love God and yearn to attain Enlightenment, Liberation and Unification with God.

The Journey to Spiritual Awakening

Unless there is a deep yearning and seeking, one cannot be Spiritually Awakened. Are these the only attributes for Spiritual Awakening? No. These are just the basic steps to start. There are 8 Stages of Spiritual Awakening but unless we have a Spiritual Mentor, Spiritual Master or a Guru, we will keep on going round and round in circles without realizing the truth.

The 8 Stages of Spiritual Awakening

1. Mumukshu

A Mumukshu is one who deeply longs for God and Liberation, yearning for the Divine over material pleasures. By detaching from worldly desires and prioritizing God, a Mumukshu embarks on a quest to realize the Divine, attain Liberation and ultimately, Unification with the Divine.

2. Jigyasu

A Jigyasu is a sincere seeker of truth who questions, ‘Who am I? Why am I here? Why have I been blessed with this human birth?’ His curiosity and eagerness to overcome ignorance, realize the truth and attain Enlightenment and God puts him on the path of Spiritual Awakening. A Jigyasu works with the help of a Spiritual Master, a Guru, to learn and realize the truth.

3. Gyani

A Gyani is a learned one who possesses spiritual wisdom. He understands that life is a cosmic drama and the world is Maya, yet struggles to fully realize these truths. He also understands that overcoming ego and attachments is the key to progressing beyond knowledge and gaining Realization and Enlightenment.

4. Yogi

A Yogi lives in constant union with the Divine through meditation, devotion, wisdom or selfless action. Free from worldly distractions, a Yogi experiences peace and bliss, qualifying for Enlightenment and ultimate liberation.

5. Buddh

A Buddh is an Awakened Being, who realizes that he is the Divine Soul, free from desires and attachments. Transcending material illusions, he lives in contentment and surrender, striving for Nirvana and freedom from rebirth.

6. Sthitpragya

A Sthitpragya lives with a steady intellect, transcending desires, moods and ego. Anchored in Divine Consciousness, he experiences Eternal Bliss in Truth Consciousness while witnessing life as the Divine Soul.

7. Jivanmukta

A Jivanmukta is the one who attains Liberation or Mukti while alive. He realizes that he is the Divine Soul having a human experience and thus attains Mukti from the triple suffering of the body, mind and ego. A Jivanmukta does not have any Karmic ties. Detached yet engaged, he exists in peace and bliss, moving toward Moksha or Liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth at the death of his body.

8. SatChitAnanda Atman

This is the ultimate stage where a liberated being lives in Truth (Sat), Consciousness (Chit) and Bliss (Ananda). Transcending all dualities, he celebrates life and realizes death as a union with the Divine – merging with the Supreme Immortal Power, SIP, that we all call God.


Spiritual Awakening is a journey that requires dedication, discipline and guidance. By understanding these 8 Stages of Spiritual Awakening, we can embark on a journey of Spirituality and Self-realization, attaining God-Realization, Liberation and Unification with the Divine, our creator and also our true self.

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