3 Peaks of Happiness – 2nd Edition
The Secret of Eternal Happiness Revealed , Evolve from Momentary Pleasure to Eternal Peace and Everlasting Bliss
The whole world is seeking Happiness. But not many of us know that there are 3 Peaks of Happiness. The first peak is Achievement which promises us only pleasure, which is fleeting. The second peak is Fulfillment where we live a life of Peace and Bliss. But on these two peaks, we still suffer. The third peak of Happiness is Enlightenment and it is on this peak that we are truly Happy. This book will lead us to the third and ultimate peak of Happiness, Enlightenment. It will show us how to discover our life’s Purpose and how to live blissfully, moment by moment, in Divine Consciousness, with Eternal Happiness, Divine Love and Everlasting Peace!
Don’t miss to read the second edition of the book.