The True Meaning of Yoga
What is the true meaning of Yoga?
Is it an exercise of body and mind?
If you go on a quest, you will know this is a myth
What it truly is, you will find
The whole world is doing Yoga
Two billion they say are at it
But isn’t it a pity, though the whole world does it
What they are doing is nothing but a myth
Yoga actually means Union
It is Union with the Divine
It is realizing that we are the Divine Soul
Not the ego, body, and mind
Our Mind is a little rascal
It jumps from thought to thought
Who we are and why we are here
This important thing it forgot
The purpose of Yoga is Liberation
From misery, suffering, and pain
To escape and become one with the Lord
Rather than being born again and again
The whole world is seeking happiness
We all want peace of mind
If only we practice true Yoga
This treasure we will find
As long as we are passionate and desire
And worldly things we crave
We will find that misery and sorrow
Will follow us till our grave
But those who live in Yoga
They enjoy bliss and peace
They unlock the door of Liberation
With little Divine keys
Anybody can be in Yoga
It is connecting with the Lord
It is escaping from this alluring world
And then becoming one with God
Yoga starts with Purification
Of Ego, Body and Mind
Then there is Illumination
And Unification of our Soul with the Divine
Everybody cannot be a true Yogi
He is the one who is always connected
Just like a SIM card that never loses network
It even roams with it
There are four doors to destination Yoga
It’s not easy for everyone to reach
It is living with discipline and contemplation
Not just playing on the beach
Discrimination is using the intellect
To take charge of the mind
Deciding what is wrong and right
Leaving worldly thoughts behind
Dispassion is Detachment
It’s not being a slave of anyone
It is not craving for anything
And being attached to none
Discipline is necessary for Yoga
Controlling the body and the mind
Like a charioteer who reins his horses
Stopping them from running wild
When Desire for Liberation and the Divine
Becomes the priority of our Life
Then we cut through this illusory word
Like butter is cut through with a knife
The Goal of Yoga is Liberation
Freedom from death and rebirth
Freedom of suffering and misery
That all of us suffer on earth
There are four ways to live in Yoga
Four ways to a Yogic Life
Four ways that help us to be in Union
Disconnected from the mind
The first way to live is meditation
Dhyana Yoga is the name
It is about silent contemplation
Not just playing a game
The second method is action
Karma Yoga is what it is called
It is doing every action
As the instrument of the Lord
The third Yoga is devotion
It is Bhakti and devout Prayer
It is a deep love for the Divine
Yearning for God through the year
Finally, is the Yoga of wisdom
It is Gyaana Yoga or education
It is spending time in a quest for the Truth
Till we find Realization
If one wants to live in Yoga
These must be the 4 paths of life
Not being passionate about success and money
And quarreling with your wife
A Yogi is always connected
Nothing really matters to him
He lives and dies for his God
God fills his life to the brim
A true Yogi lives in surrender
He doesn’t worry or fear
He accepts the Divine will with Joy
And laughs with never a tear
Yoga is union, it’s a way of Life
A link that survives every bend
Till we are liberated and united with God
Till Life in this body does end
If you want to discover true Yoga
The meaning of Yoga you must know
It is living in Union with the Lord
Being united till the end of the Show.