The Spiritual Jigsaw Puzzle
Just as children sit around
For a Jigsaw Puzzle to Solve
We too must pick up all the pieces
In life, for us to evolve
Piece by piece, as the puzzle fits
The picture will appear in bits
Enlightenment is the ultimate goal
Not just to roll in diamonds and gold
Those who are only chasing happiness
Can end their life in a mess
But those who attain Enlightenment
Go beyond Achievement and Fulfilment
Are we the Body? No, it will die
One day we will leave and fly in the sky
Are we the Mind? Let’s try and find
Where is the Mind? We just can’t find
When we let go of the Ego in whole
We Realize we are the Divine Soul
But how to get to the Divine Truth?
How to reach the bottom of the root?
Confronting us is the enemy, Mind and Ego, ME
It stops us from being who we are meant to be
Until we kill the Ego and Mind
Enlightenment we will never find
How should we start? Must we go on a Quest?
Should we put all our beliefs to test?
What about all those things we did learn?
Is it necessary, that the myth we unlearn?
Yes, if one wants to Realize the Truth
All ignorance, he must uproot
Why is it that we are miserable and sad?
Isn’t there a way to be always glad?
Yes, if we realize, this is just a show
We are mere actors who come and go
Then, we will be free from suffering and pain
And from Rebirth, again and again
But for that, this Puzzle is a must
All that’s in it, we have to Trust
Piece by piece, the Truth will flow
Till we are Enlightened with the glow
When the Truth we get to see
We will transcend Mind and Ego, ME
But once the pieces fit in place
We’ll be transported to a new space
We are not Body, we are not Mind
We are the Soul, we will find
Then we will reach our Ultimate Goal
With God will Unite, our Divine Soul
This is the Purpose of our life
Not to struggle with misery and strife
This Puzzle will help us go within
To Realize we are not just bone and skin
Then beyond Contentment and Fulfilment
Will come the ‘Aha!’ of Enlightenment!
Then we will live as the Divine Soul
No more books do we have to scroll
For once the Truth we do Realize
Then, no more must we memorize
Realization will make us know
And to the heavens, we will go
Our Ultimate Goal is to attain God
It is to become one with the Lord
For this, there must be Self-Realization
And then there will be God-Realization
With this, we will end our search
We won’t go to every temple and church
For God lives within the temple of our heart
Nothing in this world can take Him apart
In fact, only He is, we are not!
But this in Ignorance we forgot!
We always believed God to be a statue and a Saint
But He is a Power that no one can paint
The Realizations are many, there are One Hundred
They overcome our ignorance from A to Z
Each Realization is a Divine Truth
But we get lost right from our youth
Unless every piece we search and find
Enlightenment, we will leave behind
But once the pieces fit in place
We’ll be transported to a new space
We are not Body, we are not Mind
We are the Soul, we will find
Then we will reach our Ultimate Goal
With God will Unite, our Divine Soul
This is the Purpose of our life
Not to struggle with misery and strife
This Puzzle will help us go within
To Realize we are not just bone and skin
Then beyond Contentment and Fulfilment
Will come the ‘Aha!’ of Enlightenment!.