FEAR – False Expectations Appearing Real
The whole world is in panic
The whole world is in fear!
They don’t know what the truth is
But they are zapped with what they hear
A virus has attacked us!
It is going to wipe out the world!
It is going to kill us all…
Through the media, we are told
Is it a danger, is it real?
Or is this just a myth?
As long as we live in fear
We will never realize the truth
Of course, it has killed thousands
And it’s mainly the old
The young will mostly get away
With a fever, cough and cold
The Coronavirus is a champion
It seems to have a tactic
Though many it appears to infect
But for some, it is asymptomatic
Therefore, we don’t know the numbers
Who are actually killed by the virus
There are many with heart and lung disease
Are they dying because of this?
The whole world is in panic
They think of COVID they will die
They have locked themselves in their houses
Unable to enjoy the sky
Of course, we must take precautions
And stay away from one with a cough
But to shut down the entire world
That is way off!
Fear is the cause of this panic
It is making a mountain of a molehill
Far more than the Coronavirus
It is Fear that will kill
Fear is False Expectations Appearing Real
The mind creates this thought
But once paralyzed by this panic
In anxiety we are caught
Why are we scared, why do we fear?
Why are humans given this gift?
God gave us this instinct for a reason
From real dangers, so we can drift
There are many types of fears
Some even fear a loud sound
Some fear to go up in the sky
Some a lizard on the ground!
Fear often grows into a phobia
An irrational fear of something
Dentophobia is a fear of the dentist
And claustrophobia, a crowd of anything
Some have zoophobia – fear of animals
Some arachnophobia – fear of spiders
With aerophobia, there is fear of flying
And cyberphobia – fear of computers
Finally, the question that matters most
Is fear actually real?
Fear is not a danger, fear doesn’t kill
It’s just an Expectation that Appears Real
But when fear attacks us
And fills our body and mind
The rascal makes us suffer
And makes our life a grind
Fear is not a danger
There is a difference in these two
A danger can attack us
But fear just makes us feel blue
The consequence of fear is tremendous
It can bring our life to a halt
It can stop our intellect from thinking
By just finding fault
What is the cause of fear?
This killer is caused by our mind
It makes us see what is not
In anxiety, makes us blind
But there is a way to overcome it
With courage and with hope
We must wipe out every thought of worry
Then with stress and panic we will cope
But the first step is to wipe out
Ignorance from the mind
To differentiate the mind from the intellect
Both are of a different kind
The intellect can discriminate
It can realize the truth
We must ask questions and investigate
Till we get to the bottom of the root
It is important to flip our life over
From NEP flip to PEP
From negative emotions to positive emotions
From poison to power, step by step
After all, life is a drama
On the earth stage, it’s just a show
We are all actors in this theatre
We come, but we must go
Nobody can escape death
Life is in somebody else’s hand
There is a power we can’t comprehend
That created the sky and land
Because we fear we will die
We live with such panic
We get scared of a virus
That’s truly tragic!
Fear can lock us in prison
Fear can shut life’s door
Fear can frighten us to no end
Drilling into our core
The biggest Fear is that of death
Loss of all that is known
And then a greater Fear still
What is beyond death, unknown
But Fear will make us suffer
Fear will make us sad
We must learn to overcome it
If again we want to be glad
There is a way to overcome
The ignorance caused by Fear
It happens with Realization of the Truth
Not going by what we hear
We must ask and investigate
How real is our Fear
Is it actually a danger
That’s coming very near?
Fear is an illusion
But is powerful and can kill
It can paralyze our entire life
And stop us from doing our will
Today, Fear more than ever before
Has made the world come to a stop
In panic, stress, and anxiety
Forced people to shut their shop
Of course, the virus will kill a few
But all of us eventually must die
If not because of this virus
Something else will send us to the sky
So why be in panic of the virus?
We must realize the cause is Fear
False Expectations Appearing Real
Is truly causing us dear
The economic crisis that is being caused
Is far greater than the virus
But Fear is making us blind to the truth
And going in the wrong direction, in stress
Fear is making us blind
We can’t see the truth that is plain,
It’s projecting illusions that are fake
And will cause the world to be slain
Its time to realize what Fear is doing
And kill it before it kills us
The virus will come, and the virus will go
But Fear must not destroy us
If we remain ignorant of our ignorance
And live with Fear and stress
Every such virus that comes in life
Will make our life a mess.